It was a Sunday morning, I was cleaning my bathroom with a mop in my hand, when I realised that the mop wasn’t going in the direction I wanted it to go. Something felt strange, not right.
When I went to the kitchen to tell my partner, soon to be husband, I was not making myself fully understood. He asked me to sit down and have a drink of water. It was then, when the glass didn’t reach my mouth, I realised that something was seriously the matter.
Yes, you guessed it, at the age of 54 I suffered a stroke. I thought that I was living a healthy lifestyle, not smoking or drinking and exercising regularly. I had a 6 year old daughter, the youngest of 4 and the most amazing partner, who I was planning to marry in a few months. But shit happens!
Why am I telling you this? Because I really want you to realise that whatever gets in your way, whatever project fails, whatever life throws at you, you can pick yourself up and carry on. You have all the potential inside of you to reach your goals and have a happy and successful life!
A year later, alone I walked the pilgrims way of St James, the Camino de Frances, from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela, 820km in 27 days.
I had figured out what I had to change and I want to help and support others to do the same.
I will be sharing more of my experiences and ups and downs and would love to hear about the challenges you’re facing at the moment.